
The themes for the 2018-20 cycle of Jean Monnet Projects are:

The EU and the Global Economy (Professor Mark Copelovitch)
Neighborhood and Social Cohesion Policy (Faculty Associate Elizabeth Covington)
Blood, Meat and Upscaling Tissue Engineering: Promises, Anticipated Market and Performativity in the Biomedical and Agri-food Sectors (Professor Linda Hogle)

This project will research issues related to the scale-up of human cell manufacturing for therapeutics. With collaborators at four UK universities, Professor Hogles will focus on the actual practices of regenerative medicine researchers and companies within EU regulatory and bioethics environments, including recently-changed EU data protection law. A working group of researchers and policymakers will convene to discuss developments and future directions.

EU-US City-to-City Pairings on Sustainable Urban Development (Associate Professor Sabine Moedersheim)

Professor Modersheim will lead the project involving the sister cities of Madison, Wisconsin and “Green City” Freiburg, Germany. Working with the Madison-Freiburg Sister City Committee and its counterpart in Freiburg, as well as the Green City Freiburg office, the project will explore the impact of citizens’ involvement from the anti-nuclear protests in the 1970s to the energy transition (Energiewende), pioneering renewable energy, low emission neighborhoods, energy and housing coops, multimobility, environmental research and education, and sustainable entrepreneurship.

Associate Professor Sabine Moedersheim has collaborated with the UniverCity Alliance Urban Futures Survey (University of Wisconsin-Madison), which unites a group of community practitioners and campus scholars to study social and policy engagement in urban areas—locally and globally. Moedersheim led the City of Madison-Freiburg Sister City group on this project, which demonstrated the nature of involvement in urban communities and particular nodes of interest going forward.

A Politicized Union: The End of the “Permissive Consensus” and the Future of European Integration (Professor Nils Ringe)

Click here for an archive of the 2015-17 Jean Monnet Projects