Below are our affiliated faculty listed by department:
Agricultural & Life Sciences| Anthropology | Art History | Business | Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies | Communication Arts | Curriculum & Instruction | Economics |Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis | Education Policy Studies | Engineering | English | Environmental, Textiles and Design | European Studies | Finance | French | Forest & Wildlife Ecology | Gender and Women’s Studies | Geography | German, Nordic, Slavic | History | Information School | Italian | Journalism & Mass Communication | La Follette School of Public Affairs | Language Sciences | Law | Life Sciences Communication | Marketing | Medical History & Bioethics | Memorial Library | Music | Philosophy | Political Science | Population Health Science | Sociology | Spanish & Portuguese
Agricultural & Applied Economics
Assistant Prof. Paul Dower | Email
Development economics, institutions and economic behavior, economic history
Assistant Prof. Leonie Schulte | Email
Linguistic anthropology, language integration programs for migrants in Germany
Prof. Nicholas Cahill | Email
Ancient Art, Greek and Roman
Prof. Jill Casid | Email
Visual Culture, early modern to contemporary, Europe and the Americas; Colonial Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Theory;Media and Technology Studies; Gender Studies and Queer Theory
Prof. Thomas Dale | Email
Early Christian, Medieval and Byzantine art; Romanesque art (representations of the body); San Marco in Venice; the cult of the saints
Prof. Nancy Rose Marshall | Email
Nineteenth-century French Art, Victorian Britain
Assistant Prof. Jennifer Pruitt | Email
Medieval Mediterranean Religion
Assistant Prof. Daniel Spaulding | Email
20th century art in Western Europe; Marxism and Critical Theory; history of art history, Romanticism, Formalism, Contemporary Art
Prof. Page Moreau | Email
Creativity, consumer learning, and innovation
Prof. David A Ward | Email
Professional Communication (General Business 300); Intercultural Communication (International Business 320); Managerial Communication (General Business 700); Ph.D. Communication (General Business 975)
Prof. Urban Wemmerlov| | Email
Cellular manufacturing, Change, initiating and implementing, Cross-functional management, Implementation, Just-in-time systems, Manufacturing information systems, Manufacturing management
Prof. John Wild| | Email
Corporate governance, Earnings quality, Financial accounting, Financial reporting, International accounting, International business, Managerial accounting and control
Classical and Near Eastern Studies
Prof. William Aylward | Email
Greek and Roman Archaeology; Roman Provincial Studies, History of Architecture
Prof. Jeffrey Beneker | Email
Ancient Biography & Historiography; Republican and Augustan Literature and Civilization
Associate Prof. William Brockliss | Email
Homer, Greek literature; interactions between literary texts and the natural environment; monsters and the monstrous; the classical tradition
Prof. Alex Dressler | Email
Republican and Imperial Latin Literature, Ancient (esp. Hellenistic) Philosophy, Christian Latin Literature, Gender and Sexuality, Theory and Criticism, Ancient and Modern Aesthetic Theory, Ancient Materialism and Idealism
Prof. Laura McClure | Email
Greek Literature, Ancient Gender Studies, Classical Tradition
Prof. James McKeown | Email
Latin Literature, especially Ovid
Associate Prof. Grant Nelsestuen | Email
Roman cultural history, Latin prose
Prof. Mike Vanden Heuvel | Email
Dramatic Criticism, Theatre and Performance Theory
Prof. and Department Chair Kelley Conway | Email
French film of all eras, gender studies, music and film, and the intersections between film and other forms of popular culture
Prof. Bernadette Baker | Email
Curriculum Theory and Research; Elementary Education; International Studies in Curriculum, Pedagogy & Teacher Education; Multicultural Education
Prof. Thomas Popkewitz | Email
Political Sociology of Curriculum, Educational Reform & Change, Teacher Education, Educational Research and Comparative Education
Prof. Simone Schweber | Email
Jewish Studies, Social Studies, Religious Education, Moral Education, History Education
Prof. Menzie Chinn | Email
Empirical and policy aspects of macroeconomic interactions between countries; the euro as reserve currency; determinants of the trade deficit; how government debt and fiscal policy affect interest rates, and the interaction between capital controls and financial development
Prof. Charles Engel | Email
International Economics, Macroeconomics, local-currency pricing and exchange-rate pass-through; empirical exchange rate models
Prof. James Walker | Email
Sweden’s welfare state, labor supply, fertility patterns
Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Director of Global Higher Education Master’s Degree Program and Clinical Prof. Weijia Li | Email
Transnationalism, Asian German Studies, Anna Seghers and China, German-Jewish refugees in China
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Prof. Adam Nelson | Email
History of education in the U.S. and Europe; European-American intellectual exchanges during the first half of the nineteenth century
Prof. William Reese | Email
History of education in Europe and America
Prof. Paul Wilson | Email
Energy policy, economic, political and environmental aspects of nuclear energy
Prof. Emily Auerbach | Email
British and American women writers; Nineteenth-century English novel; Jane Austen; Emily Dickinson; Music and Literature
Prof. Elizabeth Bearden | Email
Early modern prose and poetry, Reception of Antiquity, Comparative Literature, formal and philosophical approaches to literary study, Disability Studies
Prof. Richard Begam | Email
Twentieth-century British, Irish and Anglophone literature; modernism and modernity; literary theory and aesthetics, philosophy and literature; Beckett and Joyce
Prof. Michael Bernard-Donals | Email
Rhetorical Theory; Critical Theory, History and Memory
Halls-Bascom Prof. Karen Britland | Email
Early modern drama, women’s writing, Shakespeare, literature and politics in early modern England and France
Associate Prof. Joshua Calhoun | Email
Renaissance Lyric Poetry, Renaissance Drama, Poetics, Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne, Gascoigne, Media, the History of Reading, the Natural History of Texts, Papermaking, Historical Formalism, Miscellanies and Anthologies, Paleography, the Atlantic World
Associate Prof. Lisa Cooper | Email
Medieval literature, especially twelfth-to-fifteenth-century English and French romance; medieval material culture (especially the intertwined history of labor, technology, and commerce)
Prof. Martin Foys | Email
Old English literature and Anglo-Saxon culture, medieval studies and popular culture, media theory and history, digital medievalism, digital humanities
Marjorie and Lorin Tiefenthaler Prof. Emerita Theresa Kelley | Email
Literary genre, Romanticism, Romantic women writers, literary theory
Associate Prof. Frederic Neyrat | Email
Theory, Environmental Humanities, Political Theory
Prof. Mario Ortiz-Robles | Email
Nineteenth century comparative literature, literary theory, the novel
Associate Prof. Mary Trotter | Email
History of Irish theatre; feminism and theatre history; the relationship between identity and performance; Chair, Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies Program; Director, Celtic Studies Program
Associate Prof. Mark Vareschi | Email
Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Drama, Digital Humanities, History of Authorship, History of the Book, Intellectual Property, Philosophy and Literature, Literary Theory, Gender and Sexuality
Prof. Anja Wanner | Email
Theory of grammar, English syntax and morphology, lexical semantics, text analysis, genres of academic discourse, and language change
Associate Prof. Jordan Zweck | Email
Old English, medieval studies, medieval documentary culture, sound studies, media studies, history of the English language, history of the book, Old Norse
Prof. Wei Dong | Email
Design visualization which refers to the use of both manual and digital media to visualize buildings and their associated interior and exterior spaces; integration of digital media into the environmental design process
ES Executive Director and Teaching Associate IV Elizabeth Covington | Email
Frank Graner Prof. Antonio Mello | Email
Asset pricing, Corporate finance, International finance, Privatization, Valuation theory
Associate Prof. Heather Willis Allen | Email
Second language acquisition, L2 teacher development, literacy-based approaches to L2 instruction, L2 writing instruction
Associate Prof. Joshua Armstrong | Email
Twentieth and Twenty-first century French and Francophone literature and culture; experimental, performance-bound literature; urban poetics and the everyday; perception, space, and materiality in philosophy and literature; geocritical and cartographic theory
Prof. Emeritus Gilles Bousquet | Email
Nineteenth century French literature and Nineteenth and Twentieth century French society and culture, in particular social and intellectual life since the sixties, French for business
Prof. Martine Debaisieux | Email
Late Sixteenth and Seventeenth century French literature and intellectual history (with particular emphasis on the Baroque period and women writers)
Distinguished Teaching Faculty Ritt Deitz | Email
Professional Communication; French for Professional Purposes; Contemporary Quebec novel and film
Assistant Prof. Jennifer Gipson | Email
Nineteenth-century French literature; folklore and orality in literature; the development of the story; literature and culture of French Louisiana
Prof. Richard Goodkin | Email
Comparative literature, Proust
Prof. Ullrich Langer | Email
Early modern French and Italian literature and intellectual history
Senior Lecturer Ewa Miernowska | Email
Twentieth century French Literature, second language acquisition
Prof. Jan Miernowski | Email
French literature of the Sixteenth century; poetics and philosophy in the Renaissance
Prof. Nevine El-Nossery | Email
North African and French Candadian literatures, metafictional historiography, migrant writing and exile, women’s autobiography, Middle Eastern literature and culture
Prof. Florence Vatan | Email
Nineteenth century poetry and fiction, literature and science (psychology; medicine), literature and philosophy, Twentieth century Austrian literature, European intellectual and cultural history
Prof. Anne Vila | Email
Eighteenth century French novel and theater; the body in literature and medicine; Enlightenment philosophy (sensualism, materialism, libertinism, anthropology); the Encyclopédie; the figure of the homme/femme de lettres from Fontenelle to Balzac
Prof. Mark Rickenbach | Email
Forest and natural resources
Prof. Pernille Ipsen | Email
Cultural and social history of the Atlantic world, interracial marriage, developments in social categories of race and gender during European colonialism, encounters with “others” around the globe
Prof. Holly Gibbs | Email
How and why people use land around the world, and the associated consequences for the environment and global carbon cycle
Prof. Robert Kaiser | Email
Political Geography, Ethnic Geography, Population Geography, Eurasian (Soviet, post-Soviet and East European) Studies
Prof. Kris Olds | Email
Geographical organization of power in relation to contemporary socio-economic and spatial transformations
Associate Prof. Salvatore Calomino | Email
Medieval German literature, Middle High German language, heroic and courtly epic, paleography, hagiography
Prof. Emerita Monika Chavez | Email
Foreign language production, the acquisition of German as a first, second, and foreign language
Associate Prof. Hannah Eldridge | Email
Late Eighteenth to Twenty-first-century German-language literature, culture, and philosophy; especially lyric poetry, music, and the relationship between sound and text
Prof. Karen Evans-Romaine | Email
Boris Pasternak, intertextuality in Russian Modernism, interrelationship of music and literature, German-Russian literary relations, European Modernism and Romanticism; foreign language pedagogy
Assistant Prof. Zach Ramon Fitzpatrick | Email
Asian German Studies; German Film History; (Post-)migration; Asian Diaspora in the German-Speaking World; Queer Studies; Gender-Inclusive and Gender-Neutral Language in German; Contemporary Television and New Media
Assistant Prof. Julia Goetze |Email
Research methods and psychological variables in language teaching and learning, language teacher identity, and second and foreign language pedagogy
Prof. Emerita Sabine Groß | Email
Literary theory, narratology, stylistics, reading research, image/text relations, contemporary German-language authors, theater and film
Assistant Prof. Mary Hennessy | Email
20th and 21st century film, literature, and culture; critical theory; media theory; gender and feminist theory; labor studies; German film history.
Prof. and CGES Director Sonja Klocke | Email | CV
Late eighteenth to twenty-first century German literature and culture; GDR, “Wende” and unification; post-1945 cinema; women’s writing; globalization; transnationalism; memory theory; body concepts; gender theory
Prof. Mark Louden | Email
Syntactic theory, psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic factors in language contact and syntactic change, synchrony and diachrony of languages strongly affected by contact, including Yiddish, Pennsylvania German, and pidgins and creoles.
Prof. B. Venkat Mani | Email
19th to 21st Century German literature and culture; World literature; Translation; the Novel; Migrants and Refugees in the German, European, and global contexts; Literature and Migration; Print- and digital cultural histories; Theories of cosmopolitanism, globalization, post-colonialism, and transnationalism
Associate Prof. Sabine Mödersheim | Email
Early Modern literature and culture, emblematics, rhetoric
Prof. Pamela Potter | Email
Music and culture in the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany and the impact of German immigration on American music and scholarship
Faculty Associate Jeanne Schueller | Email
Second language acquisition, foreign language pedagogy, authentic materials in L2 teaching and learning, in particular film, study abroad
Assistant Prof. Leonie Schulte | Email
Linguistic anthropology, anthropology of migration, time and temporality, labor, bureaucracy, policy, Europe, Germany.
Lecturer Melissa Sheedy | Email
18th- to 21st-century German literature and culture; contemporary literature, Romanticism, GDR and Post-GDR literature, fairytales, feminist theory, ecocriticism, and violence.
Assistant Prof. Adam Stern | Email
Continental Philosophy, Jewish Thought, Race and Religion, Secularism, Political Theology, Translation Theory
Assistant Prof. Katerina Sommers | Email
Historical linguistics, syntactic and morphosyntactic change in Germanic, orality and literacy in early medieval Europe, early Germanic verse
Prof. and Department Chair Jolanda Vanderwal Taylor | Email
Dutch and German literature and culture, Dutch (anti-) colonial writing, Dutch- and German-Jewish literature, and exile writings
Associate Prof. Sunny Yudkoff | Email
Yiddish and Hebrew literature; Jewish American literature and culture; medical humanities; multilingual modernisms, visual culture
Associate Prof. Claus Andersen | Email
Scandinavian languages and literature
Prof. Susan Brantly | Email
Scandinavian languages and literature
Prof. Thomas DuBois | Email
Folklore and Folklife, Finnish, Estonian, and Sami Languages and Literature
Lecturer Ida Moen Johnson | Email
Nordic children’s literature and childhood studies, animal studies, queer studies, and Nordic film.
Prof. Dean Krouk | Email
Nordic Literature
Faculty Associate Scott Mellor | Email
Scandinavian Medieval Studies
Assistant Prof. Benjamin Mier Cruz| Email
Inter-sectional representations of gender sexuality and ethnic diversity in Nordic and German cinema, literature, and culture
Assistant Prof. Liina-Ly Roos| Email
Nordic and Baltic film studies, images of children in Western and Eastern Europe
Prof. and Chair of Afro-American Studies Ethelene Whitmire | Email
School of Library and Information Studies African American studies, academic library use, research practices, women’s studies, Scandinavian studies
Prof. Kirsten Wolf | Email
Old Norse Studies
Faculty Associate Nâlân Erbil | Email
Influence of women on modern Turkish theater; Modern Ottoman and post-imperial Turkish literature; literature and ethics; literary public sphere; orality and literacy; state and the writer; migration; post-colonial/world literature; cinema; social justice and literacy education in foreign language teaching.
Assistant Prof. Brandon J. Bloch| Email
Modern German and European History, History of human rights and International law, Holocaust and Genocide studies, race and migration, religion and politics
Prof. Laird Boswell | Email
Modern French history (1800-present), Twentieth century European social and political history, rural history, European Socialism, history of voting behavior
Associate Prof. and Associate Department Chair Giuliana Chamedes | Email
Twentieth century European international history
Associate Prof. Kathryn Ciancia | Email
Modern Europe and Eastern Europe, Poland, mass violence, nationalism, ethnic relations links between physical spaces, projected identities, hierarchies of civilization, history of the relationships between the Polish interwar state, Polish citizens abroad, members of the Polish diaspora
Assistant Prof. Geoffrey Durham | Email
Russian Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries
Prof. Joan Fujimura | Email
Sociology of Science and Technology, Sociology of Medicine, Qualitative Methods, Theory, Gender, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Work and Organizations
Ambrose-Hesseltine Associate Prof. John W. Hall | Email
Native American and Early American history, military history
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Prof. Francine Hirsch | Email
Russian and Soviet history, Modern European history, comparative empires
Prof. Florence Hsia | Email
Early modern European science; Jesuit science; science and European expansion (esp. into East Asia)
Assistant Prof. Emma Kuby | Email
Modern Europe; modern France; colonialism and decolonization; war, atrocity, and post-conflict reconstruction; transnational activism; Jewish history; intellectual history; and gender and sexuality
Associate Prof. Pernille Ipsen | Email
Cultural and social history of the Atlantic world, interracial marriage, developments in social categories of race and gender during European colonialism, encounters with “others” around the globe
Prof. Richard Keller | Email
European and colonial medicine and public health, history of psychiatry and psychoanalysis, history of the human sciences, science and race
Prof. Marc Kleijwegt | Email
Community and society in the Roman Empire, childhood and youth, slavery
Associate Prof. Elizabeth Lapina | Email
Crusades, medieval historical writings, and medieval visual culture
Assistant Prof. Michael Martoccio | Email
Economic and military history of the early modern Mediterranean with an emphasis on Italy
Vilas Research and William Coleman Prof. Gregg Mitman | Email
History of ecology; environment and health, Twentieth century life sciences; science in America; science and film
Prof. Leonora Neville | Email
Society and culture of the eastern Roman Empire (the Byzantine Empire) in the ninth through twelfth centuries, late antique and classical antecedents of the medieval eastern Mediterranean cultures
Distinguished Achievement Prof. Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen | Email
U.S. intellectual and cultural history, history of philosophy, and the transatlantic flow of intellectual and cultural movements
Prof. William Reese | Email
History of education in Europe and America
Prof. Karl Shoemaker | Email
Medieval Legal History, including the English common law, medieval Roman and canon law; the barbarian codes, and late-imperial Roman law; history of criminal law and punishment
Assistant Prof. Daniel Stolz | Email
The history of the late Ottoman Empire and the emergence of the modern Middle East in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Associate Prof. Claire Taylor | Email
Ancient Greek world, social/political/economic history of fifth- and fourth-century BCE Athens, lived experience of marginalized peoples and the evidence they left behind, poverty in fourth-century Athens, ancient graffiti, political participation, female friendship
Associate Prof. Daniel Ussishkin | Email
British and European history since the Eighteenth century; war and society, gender and masculinity; history the human sciences; social theory and historiography
Prof. Lee Palmer Wandel | Email
Reformation, Early modern European culture and religion
Associate Prof. Alan Rubel | Email
Information Ethics and Policy; Privacy and Surveillance; Intellectual Property; Bioethics
Prof. Stefania Buccini | Email
Early modern Italian literature with special focus on autobiography, travel accounts, theater, Baroque poetry and prose, philantropy and human rights at the age of the Enlightenment
Director of the Italian Language Program Loren Eadie | Email
Prof. Ernesto Livorni | Email
Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature; Italian Romanticism in the European context; Avant- garde literature and the visual arts; Hermeticist Poetry; Neo-Realism; literature and religion; hermeneutics
Prof. and Department Chair Grazia Menechella | Email
Nineteenth and Twentieth century Italian literature, theories of irony and parody, women writers, cultural studies
Associate Prof. Kristin Phillips-Court | Email
Italian Renaissance literature and culture
Prof. Patrick Rumble | Email
Cinema and Twentieth century literature, especially recent Italian filmmakers, the cinema of the fascist period, theories of ideology, reception, filmic adaptation
Associate Prof. Jelena Todorovic | Email
Medieval Italian literature, including material philogoy, codicology, and paleography; textual criticism; Provençal, classical and medieval Latin literary traditions in relation to the Italian literature of the origins; Dante; Petrarca; Boccaccio
Journalism & Mass Communication
Maier-Bascom Prof. Dhavan Shah | Email
Influence of message framing and processing on decision-making and opinion formation; civic engagement and political participation; effects of computer-mediated interactions
Prof. Michael Wagner |Email
Political communication, public opinion, and representation
La Follette School of Public Affairs
Assistant Prof. Mariel Barnes| Email
Comparative politics, European Union, Gender and Politics, Welfare State, Men’s Rights Activism
Prof. Mark Copelovitch | Email
International Political Economy, Global Financial Governance, Exchange Rates and Monetary Institutions, the effects of Global Captial Flows on National Economic Policies, and Theories of International Cooperation
Prof. Gregory Nemet | Email
Energy policy, science and technology policy, technological change, low-carbon energy, climate change, R&D Intellectual, institutional innovation, energy systems modeling
Assistant Prof. Héctor Pifarré i Arolas | Email
Global health policy, population health measurement, health inequality, fertility, public economics
Prof. Joseph Salmons | Email
Theories of phonology, language change and morphology using data from historical and contemporary Germanic languages, including German dialects in America
Prof. Heinz Klug | Email
Constitutional transitions, constitution-building, human rights, international legal regimes and natural resources
Associate Prof. Alan Rubel | Email
Information Ethics and Policy; Privacy and Surveillance; Intellectual Property; Bioethics
Prof. Stephanie Tai | Email
Interaction between environment and health sciences, administrative law
Prof. Jason Yackee | Email
International Law, International Institutions and International Politics; International Trade and Investment Law and Policy, International Business Transactions, Administrative Law and Regulation
Prof. and Department Chair Dominique Brossard | Email
Mass media and public opinion, media effects, strategic communication, science communication, health communication
Taylor-Bascom Chair and Prof. Dietram Scheufele | Email
Public opinion and public opinion polling, public attitudes toward science and technology, political communication, internet and democracy
Prof. Jan Heide | Email
Channels of distribution, Inter-organizational relationship, Strategic decisions, Vertical market restrictions
Prof. Richard Keller | Email
European and colonial medicine and public health, history of psychiatry and psychoanalysis, history of the human sciences, science and race
Western European History and Social Sciences Librarian Julianne Haahr | Email
Ibero American Studies and Romance Languages Librarian Laura Martin | Email
Scandinavian Humanities and Classics Associate Librarian Todd Michelson-Ambelang | Email
Prof. Leslie Blasius | Email
Music theory, historical musicology, Eighteenth century theories of the origin of music
Associate Prof. Margaret Butler | Email
Eighteenth century European opera, musical theater, prima donna and celebrity culture, Italian opera
Prof. Susan Cook | Email
Musicology, contemporary and American music of all kinds, German Opera
Prof. David Crook | Email
Prof. Charles Dill | Email
History of opera and the Classical period
Prof. Teryl Dobbs | Email
Musical representations of trauma and pedagogies related to the Shoah; undertakes archival study of child survivor testimonies regarding music learning activities in Theresienstadt; interrogates theories of disability and nondisability within music education; and explores preservice music educators’ constructions of teaching identity and praxis
Prof. Brian Hyer | Email
Construction (and reconstruction) of historical modes of cognition for music of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, music of Bach, Rameau, Mozart, Schubert, and Wagner
Prof. Jeanne Swack | Email
Music of the German baroque, especially J. S. Bach and Georg Philip Telemann, as well as antisemitism in musical texts
Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies
Prof. Adrian Treves | Email
Open science, coexistence between people and wildlife worldwide, especially wolves, bears, and big cats. Constitutional and public trust protections for the environment.
Prof. Harry Brighouse | Email
Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Education, Education Policy (US and UK)
Associate Prof. Emily Fletcher | Email
Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, Plato’s late psychology and ethics
Director of Undergraduate Studies Martha Gibson | Email
Philosophy of language and mind and on Kant
Prof. Paula Gottlieb | Email
Ancient Greek Philosophy and Ethics
Associate Prof. James Messina | Email
Kant’s theoretical philosophy
William H. Hay II Prof. in Humanities Steven Nadler | Email
History of early modern philosophy and Jewish philosophy
Associate Prof. Anat Schechtman | Email
Intersection of philosophy and mathematics in the early modern period, notions of infinity in the seventeenth century in Descartes, Locke, and Leibniz, and the metaphysics of substance in Descartes and Spinoza
Prof. Lawrence Shapiro | Email
Evolutionary psychology, the psychology of perception, embodied cognition, and artificial intelligence, multiple realizability
Instructor Hank Southgate | Email
Kant and German Idealism
Prof. Richard Avramenko | Email
Ancient and continental political thought
Prof. Mark Copelovitch | Email
International Political Economy, Global Financial Governance, Exchange Rates and Monetary Institutions, the effects of Global Captial Flows on National Economic Policies, and Theories of International Cooperation
Prof. Joshua Foa Dienstag | Email
European Political Theory
Prof. Daniel Kapust | Email
History of Political Thought and Trice Faculty Scholar
Assistant Prof. Adeline Lo |Email
Political Methodology
Prof. Jon Pevehouse | Email
International relations theory, international security, foreign policy, international political economy, and political methodology
Prof. Jonathan Renshon | Email
Armed conflict, decision making, experiments, foreign policy, psychology
Prof. Nils Ringe | Email
European Union politics (in particular the institutions of the European Union), political parties, legislatures, and elections
Associate Prof. Michelle Schwarze | Email
Modern political thought, liberalism, history of political economy, economic inequality, Scottish Enlightenment, sentimentalism, Adam Smith
Prof. Thomas Oliver | Email
Health policy, health services research, public health systems, social and behavioral sciences
Assistant Prof. Fabien Accominotti | Email
Culture, Social Stratification, Economic Sociology, Methods and Statistics, Comparative-Historical Sociology, Class Analysis and Historical Change, General Social Theory, Social Psychology and Microsociology
Associate Prof. and Associate Department Chair Joseph Conti | Email
Economic change and development, Economic sociology, law and society, political sociology
Prof. Ivan Ermakoff | Email
Class Analysis and Historical Change, Historical (comparative) Sociology, Organizational and Occupational Analysis, Political Sociology
Prof. Joan Fujimura | Email
Sociology of Science and Technology, Sociology of Medicine, Qualitative Methods, Theory, Gender, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Work and Organizations
Prof. Ted Gerber | Email
Demography and Ecology, Education, Methods and Statistics, Social Stratification
Prof. Chad Goldberg | Email
Historical (comparative) Sociology, Political Sociology, Social Movements and Collective Action, Sociology of Culture
Associate Prof. Michael Light | Email
International Migration, Racial/Ethnic Stratification, Crime
Prof. Mercedes Alcalá-Galán | Email
Early Modern Spanish literature, especially poetics, literary theory, gender studies and cultural studies with regard to sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain
Associate Prof. Pablo Ancos | Email
Medieval Spanish Literature with emphasis on Thirteenth-century cuaderna via poetry
Prof. Kata Beilin | Email
Contemporary Spanish narrative and film, Romanticism in Europe
Associate Chair and Prof. Ksenija Bilbija | Email
Contemporary Spanish American writing, cultural studies (including post-traumatic memory), and gender criticism
Prof. Glen S. Close | Email
Twentieth century Spanish-American narrative and transatlantic dynamics
Prof. Juan Egea | Email
Contemporary Peninsular poetry and film
Prof. Steven Hutchinson | Email
Spanish prose and poetry of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries
Prof. Luis Madureira | Email
European Modernism and Modernity in Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean, Luso-Brazilian colonial and postcolonial studies
Director of Language Sciences and Prof. Rajiv Rao | Email
Phonetics, phonology, prosody, heritage languages, Afro-Hispanic linguistics, second language acquisition
Prof. Kathryn Sanchez | Email
Nineteenth and twentieth century Luso-Brazilian narrative, contemporary women writers, visual culture and gender studies
Professor Ellen Sapega | Email
Modernist Portuguese literature, Portuguese culture
Associate Prof. Catherine Stafford | Email
Bilingual development, adult SLA and development, maintenance of bilingual Spanish in post-migrant, Spanish-as-a-heritage-language (SHL)