Koray Yilmaz-Günay

October 19, 2021 at 1:00 pm

Sponsored by the Center for German and European Studies, the Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic+ at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and the Program of German and Scandinavian Studies at UMass Amherst as part of the Fall 2021 Turkish Immigration into the Federal Republic of Germany Lecture Series.

This lecture is one in the five part series Türkische Migration nach Deutschland: Einblicke, Rückblicke, Ausblicke (Turkish Immigration into the Federal Republic of Germany: Past Present Future).

Koray Yılmaz-Günay has been a political educator, publicist and activist since the 1990s, especially in the fields of migration, (anti) racism, criticism of patriarchy and queer lifestyles. As a representative of GLADT, an organization of migrant and non-migrant queer people of color, he participated in the founding phase of the Migration Council Berlin from 2003-2004, an umbrella organization of around eighty migrant self-organizations, organizations of people of color. After numerous publications of his own, he founded the “Verlag Yılmaz-Günay”, which primarily publishes Menschen of Color zu Fragen der Intersektionalität “People of Color on Issues of Intersectionality”. He has headed the office of the Migration Council Berlin since January 2020.

See event listing on the European Studies calendar.