CGES Graduate Research Assistantship Competition 2022-2023
Deadline: Tuesday May 10, 2022
The Center for German and European Studies announces two 12-month research assistantships (including tuition remission and health insurance) to be offered to highly qualified students whose research fits within the six CGES themes for 2022-2023.
ELIGIBILITYgraduate student status at the University of Wisconsin-Madison • Completion of at least one full academic year of classes in a UW-Madison graduate program by January 2022 • Research thematically related to at least one of the six CGES project areas The Center will provide R.A. support for the following types of students: • Doctoral candidates engaged in a course of study that will lead to a dissertation in German and European Studies • Professional school students (JD, LLM, MS, MBA) currently developing expertise in German and European topics
Students must satisfy the following requirements: • Full-timeFor more information about eligibility and application guidelines click HERE. Click HERE for description of the six CGES themes for 2022-2023.