Prof. Mark Copelovitch featured in episode of “Demokratie verstehen”

Mark Copelovitch, Professor of Political Science and Public Affairs and Jean Monnet Chair in the European Union and the Global Economy, recently appeared on the German broadcast series ʺDemokratie verstehenʺ (Understanding Democracy) on ARD-Alpha to talk about the upcoming U.S. presidential election.Mark Copevich sitting in a red chair

The series, hosted by Prof. Dr. Andrea Römmele, explores the subject of democracy, features experts from a variety of fields and typically focuses on the way that the democratic political system functions in Germany.

This episode, Die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA,” however, centered on the American 2024 presidential election and the potential impact on transatlantic relations. In addition to Prof. Copelovtich, the episode featured New York Times correspondent in Berlin Melissa Eddy, political strategist and communications consultant Julius van de Laar, and  Constance Chuchulowski from Democrats Abroad.