What is a position paper?
It’s a short paper (1-2 pages) that states what sort of chocolate law your country thinks is best and why. The information sheet on your country sheet will help you get started. You should try to find out some basic facts about your country, such as:
– Population
– Major industries
– History of its membership in the EU (how long has it been a member, under what circumstances did it join)
– Chocolate-related traditions
– Ties or conflicts with non-European cocoa producing nations
– How much chocolate does it produce?
– How much chocolate does its citizens eat on average?
Your position paper represents the argument you will make during the simulation. Remember that you are role-playing an elected official – you may well lose your job if your citizens are unhappy with the new Chocolate Directive. They probably won’t vote for you in the next election if they lose their job in a chocolate factory. Traditional voters will be unhappy if your county’s chocolate makers have to change their recipe or if non-traditional chocolate can now be sold in your country. You should keep in mind the best possible outcome for your country when deciding its position. Your paper should include:
– The issue as seen from your country’s perspective.
– Does the country have a stake in this issue or not?
– Suggest on which points and under what conditions might your country be willing to negotiate. When and where will it draw the line?
General information on your country can be found at the following web sites:
Country Watch
The CIA World Fact Book
To learn more about chocolate in your country, try a Google search of “chocolate” and your country name. Chocolate companies in various EU countries often have a web page in English. These will often give you a clue as to what type of chocolate is made there, for how long and how important chocolate is to the economy and culture.