The First Session

Introduce (or review) the EU

Your introduction will depend on your student’s background knowledge and how you’re tying the simulation in with the class curriculum. Students don’t need to European Union experts to do well in the simulation. Indeed, the main goal of this project is to introduce the EU to wide range of classes, especially to those outside government and European studies. Your students will learn much about the EU on their own as they prepare for the simulation. A 10-15 minute overview including the following main points should be adequate:

– Why and when the European Union was formed
– How it has grown, in membership and institutionally
– It’s importance to the U.S. and globally
– Trade remains central to its success

Start with chocolate

If at all possible, begin with a sampling of a variety of European chocolate bars. At the very least, let your students taste the difference between Cadbury Milk and a darker, richer variety from Belgium, Spain or Germany.

Present the scenario

Tell the class the story of the “Great EU Chocolate Battle

Describe the simulation

The particulars of how you describe the simulation depends on several things, such as whether students will work as teams or individually, the simulation schedule, assignments and the grade level you are teaching.

Assign country teams

Tell the students which team they are on and distribute country information sheets along with the student Chocolate Battle scenario. Encourage teammates to meet and exchange contact information.