WI K-12 Teachers Film club-“The Haitian Revolution: Impact on the World”

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@ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join UW-Madison Professor Brenda Gayle Plummer to discuss the film, “Egalite for All: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution” (2009).

Image result for brenda gayle plummerWisconsin K-14 teachers are invited to join the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) as we meet for the September Film Club. Participants will watch a film about Toussaint Louverture and then meet with Professor Brenda Gayle Plummer to discuss it. Participants will also receive lesson plans they can implement in the classroom.

This event is intended for Wisconsin public school teachers in K-12.

The film is available freely here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOGVgQYX6SU).

Brenda Gayle Plummer is Professor by joint-appointment in the UW-Madison Department of History and Afro-American Studies. Her specializations include Afro-American, 20th century U.S., race, and history of foreign relations. Her research and teaching interests include: Afro-American History; History of U.S. Foreign Relations. Her current research focuses on Afro-Americans and U.S. foreign affairs; race and gender in the Cold War era.