“The Good Life: Global Perspectives on Wellbeing and Happiness”

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@ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sponsored by the Center for European Studies in collaboration with the Wisconsin International Resource Consortium.

Join us for a virtual workshop as we look at “the good life” and explore related concepts from around the world. Learn from experts on how different cultures define concepts such as “the good life,” wellbeing, or happiness, and how world events, appropriation, and the passage of time have shaped shared definitions and practices. This workshop is designed for community college educators, but all are welcome to attend.

Featured speakers include:

  • Dr. Christine Whelan (UW-Madison) Keynote Speaker, “Defining and Redefining Happiness: A Brief History and Why It Matters Today”
  • Dr. Claus Elholm Andersen (UW-Madison), “Hygge and Happiness”
  • Dr. Katharina Richter (University of Bristol), “Good Living in Practice: The case of Buen Vivir/sumak kawsay in Ecuador”
  • Dr. David Kiefer (UW-Madison), “Ethnobotany and Integrative Health”
  • Dr. Rumya Putcha (University of Georgia), “Orientalism and Wellness in the United States”
  • Unifier Dyer (UW-Madison), “Ubuntu and the Expansiveness of Relational Responsibilities”


Click here to register and learn more.