Room 313 Pyle Center
Please join us live, if you can, or via Zoom if you cannot attend in person.
The world has been shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Why did this happen? What is the true historical relationship between Russia and Ukraine? How are people reacting in Russia? What are the implications for the United States, NATO, and international security? What will be the impact of sanctions and other financial penalties that the United States and its allies have imposed on Russia? A panel of University of Wisconsin faculty members will address these and other questions, and there will be time to ask questions, exchange perspectives, and share information.
Ted Gerber, Sociology, CREECA
Mark Copelovitch, Political Science, Director of European Studies
Yoshiko M. Herrera, Political Science
Andrey Ivanov, History, UW-Platteville
Kirill Ospovat, GNS+
Jessica Weeks, Political Science