(Re)Imagining Empire

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Memorial Union
@ 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

Join us for the final workshop on the topic of (Re)Imagining Empire, a Borghesi-Mellon Workshop (https://humanities.wisc.edu/research/workshops/empire) with support from the Center for the Humanities.

Opening Remarks (8:50 – 9:00)
Florence Hsia, History, Associate Vice Chancellor for Arts and Humanities

Panel 1 (9-10:15):
So Yeon Bae, History: “Whom Shall We See From Rome? Shiono Nanami’s Interpretation of Roman Imperialism”
Luke Urbain, Spanish and Portuguese: “Earthquake Aesthetics and Incommensurate Necrologies in and around José Martí’s ‘Terremoto
en Charleston’”
Respondent: Michelle Schwarze, Political Science

Panel 2 (10:30-11:45)
Ximing Lu, CANES: “The Romans’ German and the German’s Mongolians: Influences of Ancient Greek and Roman Literature on
Herder’s Description of China”
Lin Li, History: “Imagining Empire: Colonial Feminism within the Japanese Empire (1895-1945)”
Respondent: Kristina Huang, English

Lunch Break (11:45-1:30; a limited number of lunches will be provided)

Panel 3 (1:30-2:45)
Jason Yackee, Law: “Empire as Farce: The Curious Case of Bokassa the First”
Sarah Clayton, Anthropology: “Imperial Aims and Local Realities: The Political Landscape and Legacy of Teotihuacan”
Respondent: Nandini Pandey, CANES

Afternoon Coffee and Refreshments Break (2:45-3:45)

Keynote Speaker (4:00-5:30)
Jane Burbank, Collegiate Professor of History and Russian and Slavic Studies, New York University
“Empire Now: Re-Imagining Russia

Learn more here.