Professor Rice’s visit is sponsored by the Anonymous Fund with the support of the Departments of English and History.
We will be joined next Friday, May 5, by Professor Nicole Rice for the last workshop and lecture of the year in our series “In Sickness and in Health: Modes of Care in the Middle Ages.”
- Workshop: 2pm, 7191 Helen C. White: for graduate students and faculty, on the introduction to Professor Rice’s new book on the English medieval hospital and literary production. Email me ( the reading.
- Public lecture: 5 pm, 7191 Helen C. White: “Hospitals and Literary Culture in Late Medieval England.” This talk explores late medieval English hospitals as cultural and literary institutions: sites for the writing, copying, reading, and performance of diverse texts. The discussion will touch on a range of genres, including drama, medical works, poetry, and satire.
Nicole Rice is Professor of English at St. John’s University. She is the author of Lay Piety and Religious Discipline in Middle English Literature (Cambridge, 2008), co-author of The Civic Cycles: Artisan Drama and Identity in Premodern England (Notre Dame, 2015), and author of numerous articles on late medieval religious culture, social life, and expressive modes such as prose, poetry, and drama. Her most recent book is Hospitals and Literary Production in England, 1350-1550 (Notre Dame, 2023).