K-14 Teacher Workshop: “Empowering Educators to Teach on Genocide”

This event has passed.


Co-sponsored by the Center for European Studies, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, the Center for African Studies, the Center for East Asian Studies, the Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies (LACIS), the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia Studies (CREECA), the Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education and Resource Center (HERC), and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

This virtual workshop is designed to help teachers prepare for the implementation of Act 30, passed in April 2021. Experts will present on specific cases of genocide like the Holocaust, Cambodia, Rwanda, Argentina, and the Uyghurs in China. Books sets and other practical materials for teaching will also be provided on the subject of genocide.

The first session on Saturday, January 15, will feature talks on genocide cases in regions represented by UW-Madison area studies center.


  • Keynote Speaker, Alexander Hinton, “Man or Monster? The Trial of a Khmer Rouge Torturer”
  • Ksenija Bilbija, “Witnessing Human Rights Abuses in Argentina”
  • Timothy Grose, “Destroy, Replace…Repeat: State Violence in the Uyghur Homeland and its Historical Precedent”
  • Kathryn Mara, “Learning to Talk About and Critically Represent Genocide: A Researcher’s Reflection”


The second session on Sunday, January 16, will feature an overview of Act 30 and other presentations about practical techniques and additional resources to teach confidently about genocide and other sensitive topics.

  • Kris McDaniel will provide an overview of requirements stated under Act 30.
  • Lecture by Ilana Weltman, with special guest Susan Warsinger, former teacher, docent at the United States Holocaust Museum, and Holocaust survivor.
  • Samantha Goldberg, “Holocaust Education Map Workshop”
  • Brown Bag Conversation with Teacher Panelists (Kristy Johnson, Bill Gibson, and Sarah Motl)