Gary Herrigel, “Is Global Interdependence Sustainable?”

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422 North Hall (1050 Bascom Mall)
@ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Global political economic interdependence is a fact, and sustainability of developed domestic political economies hinges on sustainability of this interdependence. Reversal of current global interdependence would involve deep and enduring adjustment pressures on all states that could exacerbate both within and between country inequalities, intensify social and political conflicts, produce unrest and conflict among states. The current course is not sustainable, and a serious reform is needed. The talk will address various perspectives on these issues, including macroeconomic imbalances and geopolitical reordering.

Gary Herrigel is a Professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Chicago. His research interests lie in comparative political economy, economic sociology, organization theory, business strategy and business history, and he is particularly interested in the social and political arrangements that govern firm behavior and strategy and that affect competitiveness, innovative capacity, labor relations and working conditions.