Elin Sundström Sjödin, “Where is the Critical in Literacy? Sciences Studies Meets the World of Education”

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Teacher Education Building, Room 220
@ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Co-sponsored by the Center for European Studies, CURRIC916: Issues in Educational Research Methods: Discourse: Methods & Post-Modernism/Post-Foundationalism/Post-Colonialism, The Curriculum & Global Studies Area, Curriculum & Instruction Colloquium Committee

Elin Sundström Sjödin is an assistant professor at the School of Education, Culture and Communication, Mälardalen University, Sweden, and presently a visiting scholar at the Digital Futures Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research centers on literary didactics, critical literacy, and science and technology studies.

This public lecture explores how science studies can contribute to understanding how (and where) values about reading take shape, and how numbers perform to naturalize and stabilize those values as fact and truth about the idea of good literature reading. The presentation focuses on the constellations and relationships in which reading is staged at a detention home for incarcerated youth.