ASTRA Symposium 2022: “Vem är svensk?”

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Pyle Center
@ 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

Co-sponsored by ASTRA (the Association of Swedish Teachers and Researchers of America), the Department of German, Nordic & Slavic+, with the Center for European Studies.

11:00-11:45am Lecture: Patrik Lundberg

1:45-2:30pm Lecture: “Unsettling History at a Swedish-Heritage College,” Ursula Lindqvist

Image result for patrik lundbergPatrik Lundberg is a journalist at Dagens Nyheter (one of the major daily newspapers in Sweden) and author of six books. Lundberg received The Swedish Grand Prize for Journalism in 2021 along with Josefin Sköld and Alexander Mahmoud for their investigation of the Swedish adoption system.





Image result for ursula lindqvistUrsula Lindqvist is a s Professor in Scandinavian Studies, Co-Chair of President’s Council on Indigenous Relations, and Director of the Program in Comparative Literature at Gustavus Adolphus College.