Anna María Pálsdóttir, “Lessons Learned from the Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden Research: The Importance of Supportive Outdoor Environments for Human Well- Being”

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@ 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Co-sponsored by the Jean Monnet Projects, the Center for European Studies and the Department of Design Studies. Introduced and organized by Kristín Thorleifsdóttir, Assistant Professor in the Departments of Design Studies and of Planning and Landscape Architecture as part of the Center for European Studies Spring 2021 Virtual Lecture Series.

Image result for dr anna maria palsdottirDr. Anna María Pálsdóttir is senior lecturer (assistant professor) in environmental psychology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) at the Department of People and Society. She is a professional horticulturist and holds a BSc in Biology & Horticulture Sciences and an MSc and PhD in Landscape Planning and Environmental Psychology.

Dr. Pálsdóttir works with conceptual development and scientific evaluations of nature-based and nature-assisted interventions that are conducted in various outdoor environments for different target groups. Her research also focuses on the content and design of sustainable outdoor environments for human health and well-being. The research is conducted in close collaboration with national and international universities, governmental offices, and various stakeholders.

Dr. Pálsdóttir has a vast graduate level teaching experience. She is one of the founders of the Outdoor Environments for Health and Wellbeing master’s program (OWH)) and has developed many courses focusing on nature-based and animal assisted interventions and sensory expression in outdoor environments. She is one of three SLU educators running the SLU Landscape Teachers Synergy Forum.