Co-sponsored by European Studies and the Department of Political Science (with the Center for a New American Security).
This is an ambitious nation-wide program in partnership with the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin, Germany, called “Across the Pond, in the Field.” The goal of this project is simple: to reinvigorate the transatlantic partnership by holding discussions and debates on various aspects of the transatlantic relationship with diverse audiences across America. This will be done by bringing two Europeans and two Americans to 12 cities across the United States to engage in a series of debates and discussions with “grass top” leaders – local individuals in industry and the public sector that serve as opinion leaders.
Guests include H.E. Jonaton Vseviov, the Estonian Ambassador to the United States; Richard Fontaine, President of the Center for New American Security (CNAS) and former foreign policy advisor to the late Senator John McCain; and H.E. Pjer Simunovic, Ambassador of Croatia to the United States.
Event Location: TBA
For more info: