Brussels Study Tour 2018

Brussels Study Tour 2018 Announcement

The Jean Monnet European Union Center of Excellence (JMEUCE) at UW-Madison is pleased to announce that it is taking applications for this year’s study trip to Brussels, Belgium. The study trip will take place June 17th to June 23rd, and our Center will be providing a travel grant to support two Wisconsin community college educators and one undergraduate to attend this five-day long trip.

The study tour is organized in partnership with a number of universities with a European area studies center across the United States. Therefore, educators get the opportunity to experience Brussels with peers from around the country. During the tour, participants will engage in a variety of site visits to learn more about the European Union – how it is organized, what it does, and how non-EU institutions work with the EU. Past trips have included visits to European Union institutions (the European Parliament, the European Commission), NATO, the US Mission and think tank/consulting institutions. All visits will be conducted as a group. See an example of last year’s tour here:

Application Criteria

Please send Bridget McMahon (contact information below) an:

STUDENTS: Unofficial transcript and a 1-2 page proposal.

COMMUNITY COLLEGE INSTRUCTORS: Up-to-date CV/Resume along with a statement (1-2 pages) outlining the ways in which this study trip would support the courses you teach and develop your class room instruction.


UW-Madison JMEUCE will cover the cost of flights and accommodation for the successful applicant. Depending upon the exchange rate and final budgeting, additional funds may be available as a reimbursement for per diem and/or the administrative fee. Costs of travel insurance, most meals, ground transportation from the airport to your hotel, and incidentals will not be covered. There will be a $275 USD non-refundable administrative fee charged to all participants. Participants will have the opportunity to extend their trip at their own expense.

Contact information: Bridget McMahon,  608.265.8040